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Start a meaningful side project (that will give you a sense of purpose and make you feel proud)

Here's how you can start something productive and worthwhile "on the side"—and position yourself for success in the process—even if you don't have any special experience, significant funds, or a clear idea of where to begin.

Photo by Maxime Horlaville / Unsplash

Do you want to start something of your own—that would fit into your lifestyle, align with your beliefs, and working on it would make you happy—but you're not sure what you should start, or how to go about doing it?

Are you trying to come up with an idea—for a blog, an online business, or some kind of a side project of your own—but you're struggling because you're into all kinds of stuff, you don't have a true life passion and you don't seee yourself as an expert in any specialist field?

And each time a promising idea drops out of your you find yourself mostly thinking, and talking about it, but actually doing very little to turn your idea into reality?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, it looks like you're not moving forward—you're kinda stuck...

🫤 You keep dreaming but you're not making any real progress. You're jumping between ideas in your head, you're "overthinking it" and you're second-guessing your choices.

😔 Fear and self-doubt are in your way and procrastination has become your best ally. Instead of taking action you keep talking yourself out of your new ideas and you're coming up with excuses for not starting or "doing it": I'm busy. I'm tired. My idea isn't originalsomeone's already doing it. I'm not readyI need to learn more...

😔But the more you learn the more overwhelmed you get. There's always that one last thing you feel you must do to finally become ready to start never start because you never feel ready!

It sounds a bit-shit crazy, right?

And you know what?

If you don't change your approach right now, the chances are you will not start anything meaningful any time soon.

Instead, you will drop all of your BIG ideas, you will bury your dreams and you will go back to your daily routine feeling angry and lost.

But it doesn't have to be that way!

Now, please, let me explain.

Start with "YOU"

To be continued soon...